Friday, 26 June 2015

Day 26 - 30 Days Wild - Bug update in the garden

Day 26 - the garden is now getting really wild - I am afraid to cut anything back because there are insects everywhere.

I spotted the first cinnabar moth caterpillar by the pond and I remember last year there were hundreds in the garden, so hopefully he will have some friends soon. The highlight of the garden was the Mullein moth caterpillar on the buddleia. I remember taking a photo of it back on Day 11 and he was tiny, now he is at least 2" in length - never seen them in the garden before.

Cinnabar moth caterpillar
Mullein moth caterpillar
The garden seems to be thriving with moths and caterpillars and I spotted this yellow shell moth on the crocosmia and a small micro moth (I am yet to ID) near the pond.

Yellow shell moth
Micro moth I am yet to ID
Other insects worth a mention were common field grasshopper and garden spider, both developing fantastic patterns. I haven't seen that many garden spiders yet this year but the female spider as a tragic life. After she has mated she becomes swollen with eggs.  She then builds a egg sack and dedicates her life to protecting them, She is unable to leave the eggs to feed so she dies in the autumn before her babies hatch out in the spring. 

The shield bugs have stopped mating and I could only see one or two in the garden now. 

Common field grasshopper
Garden spider
Shield bug

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