Sunday, 11 June 2017

Day 11 - The Goldfinch - 30 Days Wild 2017

Day 11: Star Species
Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

Today I went searching for the bee orchid on the River Tawe, Swansea; I have seen it there, around this time, for the last few years. Unfortunately I couldn't find one this year but I was treated to a few goldfinches who were enjoying snacking on a dandelion. 

Such a beautiful bird, I was so inspired by it's colours I just had to paint it when I got home.

My watercolour painting of a goldfinch

More about them - The Goldfinch is without doubt one of the most beautiful finches in the UK. Quite small, with strikingly colours of red, white and black on the head, golden brown body and bright yellow wing bars.

Male and female birds are similar except that the male's red face extends slightly behind the eye. Juveniles are generally a dull brown with darker streaking on the body, and lack the red, black and white markings on the head.

A Juvenile goldfinch
Goldfinch eating the seeds of a dandelion

The goldfinch is primarily a vegetarian, feeding on seeds, thistles and teasels; but they will also take small insects such as aphidsIn the winter, they are regular garden visitors and enjoy niger seeds. They group together to form flocks of up to about 40 birds, occasionally more and a flock of Goldfinches is called a charm.

Interesting Facts:
  • In Victorian Britain goldfinches were trapped in large numbers to be used as a cage bird; this  caused the population to crash.
  • The collective name for goldfinches is called a charm - 'A charm of goldfinches' .
  • Many UK goldfinches migrate as far south as Spain. 

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