Saturday, 11 June 2016

Day 11 - 30 Days Wild - A trip to Crymlyn Bog, Swansea

* Today's random act of wildness - A meet up with my local Wildlife Trust group *

On Saturday 11 June, Dan and I met up with our local Wildlife Trust group (Swansea) to visit a local nature reserve - Crymlyn Bog, Swansea. It was a good turn out, about 20 people, and it was great walking around the reserve learning all about the plants and other wildlife that was there. Our guides were Wildlife Trust's Peter Hatherley & Tara Daniels, but we all helped each other identifying different things - all the people in the group were so friendly.

This is what we discovered...

Southern Marsh Orchid
Marsh Lousewort (Thanks to Mark Barber for helping me ID it)
Common Cottongrass
Common Sundew
Marsh Cinqufoil
Water Dropwort
The group walking along the boardwalks
Damselfly (needs Identifying)
Damselfly (needs Identifying)
Azure Damselfly
A funnel web created by the Labyrinth Spider
Beautiful jewel Dock Beetle
Dock Beetles mating
More Dock Beetles
Wolf Spider
Nettle Tap Moth (Thanks Dan Newton for helping my ID it)
A species of Cranefly (?) mating
Sabre Wasp (correct me if I am wrong)
Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly (male)
Brown China-mark moth (Thanks Dan Newton for helping my ID it)
Some of the crowd exploring the reserve
A Song Thrush's egg - we found two on the floor, one was broken - who knows why they were there or what had stolen them from the nest.
Great Tit with it's dinner

It was a fantastic day out and even though the weather was a bit dull and grey we still managed to see lots and learn about all the different things we discovered. When everyone went home Dan and I decided to have one more walk around the reserve while things were quiet. It was starting to brighten up a bit and it was definitely getting warmer so we headed to the boardwalks where we had seen lizards before. 

Quietly we walked around and it wasn't long before the lizards started coming out - we saw three altogether and one was even growing a new tail, which I am never seen before.

This lizard must have lost it's tail and growing a brand new one

A common lizard 
Another common lizard
Here's Wildling helping me trying to ID some of the flowers!

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