Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Day 22 - 30 Days Wild - Attracting moths - Take 2

* Today's random act of wildness - Attracting moths *

On day 9 I tried to attract moths by making a wine and sugar syrup - unfortunately I didn't get much success. So tonight am going to try the old fashion sheet and torch experiment. I have set the sheet up and waiting until it gets a bit darker before setting a light on it.

The white sheet set up ready.

Here are some of the insects I found in the garden earlier today, including lots of tiny Cinnabar moths and a bug that his an alien face on his body!

This bug has an alien face! (need to ID)
Cinnabar caterpillars
They are very tiny at the moment
Lots of shield bugs in the garden
A slug and bug (need IDing)
A cocoon in the insect hotel
Grasshopper in the insect hotel

Stay tuned to see what I see in a few hours!!!


  1. Good luck! I am hoping to do something similar.

    1. Once again...nothing! LOL, I give up, but at least I tried. Looking forward to see if you get better luck xxx

    2. Trying it tonight. I'll let you know! *fingers crossed* :)
