Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Day 28 - 30 Days Wild - Pond dipping

* Today's random act of wildness - Pond dipping *

Day 28 and what horrid weather - it had rained almost all day! Finally at around 7.30pm the sun began to come up so we decided to go to Penllergare Valley Woods, a local woodland to see if there was any activity in the small pond there. Earlier in the year when we visited there were lots of tadpoles, so hopefully we would see some frogs or toads.

This is what we discovered...

The small pond full of lilies
A young toad in the grass
Young frog with water boatman 
Damsel Nymph
Newt Larvae - you can tell it's a newt tadpole because of the feathery gills around the head, distinguishing them from frog and toad tadpoles.
An adult newt, the water was too murky to tell if it was Palmate or smooth (definitely not great crested)
Another newt larvae
Young frog...
...this one still had it's tail
A huge dragonfly nymph
The sun starts setting and we decided it was time to leave.
Wildling enjoying climbing trees!

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