Monday, 6 June 2016

Day 6 - 30 Days Wild - Reading a wild book in the rain!

* Today's random act of wildness - Read a nature book *

Not a very 'wild' day today, but did manage to catch up with recording my painted lady butterfly sighting from yesterday on the website - it's important recording wildlife, so organisations like this can keep track on numbers and monitor the impact of climate change.

After work I sat out the garden (with Wildling) and enjoyed reading Chris Packham's 'Wild Side Of Town' book. It's a great book for someone like me who lives in a pretty built up urban area.

First published in 2007, this edition is a 2015 revised version and Chris introduces you to the various habitats literally on your doorstep. He explores the urban jungle and forcuses on the wildlife found in parks and gardens. Full of interesting facts and tips on where and when to find wildlife. It also has a handy guide to some of the Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves in Great Britain and a field guide highlighting the different species you can find without looking too hard.

The book is inspiring and if the weather is nice tomorrow lunchtime I am going into Swansea's City Centre to see what Urban wildlife I can find.

I love this book, beautiful photos, humorous and very helpful - I recommended to everyone who loves wildlife and nature :)

We also had a storm last night and our first bit of rain for days, I was trying to get a photo or video of lightning, but all I could hear was the thunder. Hopefully it will clear the air and tomorrow won't feel too muggy. I do love a storm though, but pity all the little fledglings that are leaving their nests for the first time - Stay safe little ones x