Thursday, 2 June 2016

Day 2 - 30 Days Wild - An evening nature stroll

*Today's random act of wildness - an evening nature stroll*

Today was a very sad day, I found out that my best friend's mum had died suddenly in the night and most of the day I spent walking around in a daze and thinking of the grief my friend was going through.

After work, I decided to go and get some fresh air and clear my head at a local nature reserve called  'Swansea Vale Nature Reserve'. It's a beautiful place and one of the few remaining wetland habitats in the City of Swansea. It has a variety of plants and animals and these are some of our findings...

The first thing we saw is a grey heron lucking in the reed beds... wasn't long before he sets off... find his mate!

There are lots of wild flowers and trees around the reserve, including orchids, lilies and bulrushes. This means lots of insects including damselflies and lacewings.

Water Hemlock
Southern Marsh Orchid
Green Lacewing
Male Azure Damselfly

Apparently there are otters on the reserve, but the only mammal we encountered was this cheeky grey squirrel. We spotted several on our walk and there are houses adjacent to the reserve so no doubt they have these cheeky chappies visiting...what a cool place to live!

Grey Squirrel

There were lots of birds around, but unfortunately they didn't stay still long enough to get any good photos, birds I definitely identified were: Carrion Crow, Heron, Robins, Blackbirds, Blackcap, Dunnock, Wood Pigeons, Blue Tits, Great Tit, Long Tailed Tit (with fledgling) and possibly a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Carrion Crow

So our little evening walk proved to be a success, we were literally there for only an hour and managed to see all these 'wild' things. I will definitely go back in a few weeks earlier in the day to see what else we can see. 

When we got home I brushed up on my insect identification with the help from my #30DaysWild mascot 'Wildling' - Who I forgot to take on our walk (but don't tell him that!).

Due to unforeseen circumstances Wildling couldn't make the trip to the nature reserve so helped me identify the animals when I got home.


  1. Sorry to read about your best friend's mum.

    Lovely photos, specially the top photo of the heron.

    1. Thank you, such a shock yesterday and I still can't believe it today. First time i've seen an heron there x

  2. Fantastic photos Sandra, hope you are doing ok after your sad news x

    1. Thanks Stuart, I'm Ok, but feeling tremendously sad too x
