Saturday, 4 June 2016

Day 4 - 30 Days Wild - Garden BioBlitz

*Today's random act of wildness - Garden BioBlitz*

It's already day 4 of #30DaysWild and it is also the 1st day of Wales's Biodiversity Week, so I decided to do my own mini BioBlitz in the garden :)

A very hot day in sunny South Wales and this is what I discovered...

First stop a quick check in the insect hotel, Wildling couldn't find much, apart from some spider webs and the odd woodlouse.
Lots of spider webs among the bamboos, but unfortunately not much more activity
Over to some of my pots and found these guys having fun and destroying my lilies in the meantime - they called Scarlet Lily Beetle notorious at destroy prize lilies!
Closeup of the Scarlet Lily Beetle - what a beautiful red colour on such a killing machine!
The Scarlet Beetles wasn't the only ones having fun...check out these Shield Bugs
Common Red Soldier Beetle - Thanks to @ParksSheffield on Twitter for your help :)  
Vine Weevel - Thanks to @ParksSheffield & @vickybanham on Twitter for your help :)
If you have arachnophobia don't come to my garden! My garden is full of spiders, and a lot of them are carrying egg sacks at the I am expecting many more eight legged friends in the future. Here are four I found...

Garden Spider having it's dinner
Nursery Web Spider with egg sack
Grass Spider
House spider in it's web

I was a bit disappointed I didn't see many butterflies or moths, but here are there other critters I found...

Bee on love-in-the-mist flower
Mullein Moth Caterpillar
Tiny grasshopper
Pretty snail
Jewel looking fly
I had to include this lovely pic of my irises in bloom

Hope you enjoyed my little garden BioBlitz - hopefully when I have more flowers in bloom the butterflies will arrive x