I didn't do many 'wild' things today. but today is a very special day, because it's not only Summer Solstice, but also a Strawberry Moon - a once a lifetime experience. When the sun began to set I managed to get to my local woodlands to get this amazing sunset, unfortunately I didn't get any 'Starwberry Moon' pics though.
What is Summer Solstice? It is the longest day of the year and the start of summer where there is approximately 17 hours of light. The name comes from the Latin 'solstitium' meaning 'sun stand stills'. Many people gather to Stonehenge where they celebrate the Solstice of being a time for renewal, fertility and harvest.
What is a Strawberry Moon? It is a full moon, which occurs in June - the Native Americans named it this because it marks the beginning of the strawberry season. The two events coincide once every 70 years.
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